From all stuff I borrowed from Pieter, this was perhaps the one I was most interested in. I knew N.R.A. from the Boh compilation I posted before, and band member Tony Blockdijk from various other bands from Den Haag. Other members are Jan (?) on vocals, flute, Jan on slides, Moniek on guitar, and Joost on bas, although the cover shows slightly different names, but I am quoting Boh magazine nr 3. This particular tape was a special copy to Pieter with extra tracks which aren't part of the release on GAB, the band's own label. Great post punk, doom music. Lyrics in Dutch, but don't let that hold you back.
Not for sale
I already thought that this was the one you were looking for :-)I agree - This tape is great!
Vooral God...
Prachtige release !
Ben altijd opzoek naar die nederlandse gezongen releases hier op je blog !
Echt leuk om die oude vergeten parreltjes te vinden .
Bedankt doe zo verder :)
groet van het buurland .
Ik ben geen reclamezuil...
zeker niet! maar wel je Nixe LP gemaakt?
Jan de Weerd was de vocalist
tony blokdijk i saw him this afternoon works at a community center in Den Haag
(voor Pieter :)
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