And we end the things I borrowed from Pieter with his own music again. A cassette by A Fugitive Of Mercy, the follow up to Fugitive. More experimental in approach, but still with songs. I hope I indexed it well as it was a bit difficult.
And Pieter found there is a track missing in Dutch Punk - Third Post by De Brommers, so I re-upped it. Strange no-one seems to have noted this.
Not for sale
Actually, the version you had before was correct. I downloaded Dutch Punk Post 3 in Jan. 2008 and it has all four Brommers tracks, all at 192 bit rate. However, the new file you just uploaded has the same track 3 (Rebel Rebel) but in the new upload, the bit rate is only 160, so must have come from a different source. Please double check this, just to verify I'm not going crazy. Thanks.
i don't have my original 192 anymore, but from a different source the 160. sorry about that.
Maybe the mistake was only for Mac-users? In windows all 4 tracks were there... I'll mail you the original 192 version so you can re-repair it, OK?
I was looking for the first post of Fugitive (tape was called Ache For Love), but I couldn't find it.
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