From the artist website: The music of the composer N. R. Hills (or Nigel Hills as he's known when not in his creative mode) is difficult to describe, as it covers a wide range, from delicate beauty to dark foreboding, often in the space of just a moment. Reviewers have compared his music to that of Vangelis, Brian Eno, Philip Glass,Tangerine Dream, David Sylvian, The Aphex Twin, The Residents, Robert Fripp, Synergy, Peter Frohmader, Yes, Fatboy Slim, Kitaro, David Van Tieghem, Neuronium, Kurt Riemann, Heldon, Asmus Tietchens, 23 Skidoo, Claudio Simonetti, Simon Boswell, Steve Roach and Bill Nelson. The inspiration for his music has come from such diverse subjects as Norse Mythology, Breughel's painting 'The Triumph Of Death', the nursery rhyme Shock-Headed Peter and the nightmare of VCJD (the human form of Mad Cow Disease). He is also an accomplished artist whose work can be seen gracing the covers of numerous books by such authors as Robert Aickman, Philip K. Dick, Clifford D. Simak and C. J. Cherryh. His artwork can be seen on 7 of his 8 album covers (the cover for his other album, 'Romeo And The Beast', was by the famous artist/film-maker Dave Mckean). This
website contains track details, shows cover artwork, reviews of the music and excerpts from each of the albums. All the content of this website is under copyright of the artist currently known as N. R. Hills.
Eu Records