Neon were a four piece band from Eindhoven, The Netherlands, who, as far as I know only recorded this 12", one of the two releases on Subdivision, a side label of Torso. The other one, by Phantom Limb, was posted by Phoenix Hairpins a while back. Music that is a bit lighter than Joy Division, and sounded like The Cure area 'Seventeen Seconds'. Otherwise I have no clue about them.
Nearly impossible to find. Thanks!
Very nice record, I found it this week at a small record market during my lunch break ;-)
Wat een nostalgie... mijn zus had deze EP. Mijn dank is wederom groot.... maar je hebt de titels van kant A en B verwisseld (verwarrende labels: typisch begin jaren '80 :)
"01 A Day In The Land of Lost Horizons" moet zijn "Icemen"
"02 Standing On The Other Side" moet zijn "Duet"
"03 Liquid Gold" moet zijn "A Day In The Land Of The Lost Horizons"
"04 Icemen" moet zijn "Standing On The Other Side"
"05 Duet" moet zijn "Liquid Gold"
Just logged in to correct the song titles, which I divined by listening to the lyrics. But I noticed that Edward has beaten me to it!
a nice unknown jewel
Thanx :-)
thank you so much for this!! i just happened to stumble upon it and WOW i was just blown away by it!! many thanks for this great release!
great blog!
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