Quite an extensive posting, all three albums by The Netherlands' World According To (W.A.T.), a group around Ad Van Meurs, on guitar. Before he was in Bleistift and today plays americana as The Watchman. This group was with Ankie Keultjens (his wife and also in The Wtachman) and Frank van den Nieuwenhof. As W.A.T. they played rather uncomplicated synth pop with a drum computer, synths and lovely vocals by Ankie. Van Meurs plays already much slide guitar here, which gives them a rather distinct sound. As far as I know they recorded three albums, of which the first one, 'Defreeze' still stands as a powerful synth pop classic. There might be a fourth one, but perhaps that was never released. There are two uploads here, the first one is 'Defreeze' and a live recording from around the same time as they released this, though not the greatest quality. Their second and third release are in the second folder. 'Defreeze' and 'Thin Blue Notes' were both mini LPs with six tracks, and 'We' is a full length LP.
Defreeze was released by Plurex (3302) in 1983
We was released by Prime (3) in 1985
Thin Blue Notes was released by Prime (MD 7978) in 1985
wat1.zip - 16.6 MB (Defreeze) seems to be corrupted. could you check it please?
thank you very much!
i am not sure what or why is wrong, but here is another upload of the same file:
hopefully this works better.
its full now, it works!
thank you very much!
great! hope you like this beauty!
Any idea where and when the live stuff was recorded? Gracias, Frank
sadly i don't. i recorded it off the radio, and i remember it was around when the defreeze was released. i believe it was a bar in amsterdam, but i have no idea why i think this. so somewhere late 1983 or early 1984.
Thanks a lot.
Two songs live @ Pandora's Music Box 1983: http://www.wiels.nl/blog/index.php?entry=entry070127-112746
Thanks! Great to hear the first two albums again. I had never heard the third (Thin Blue Notes) and I like the way they were going. Too bad the record company lost faith for the fourth album (I assume that is the way it went).
Bit late, but happy to have found this blog.
Can't open the live recording, but I guess it was taken from a sunday afternoon concert at the Kakatoe-bar in Amsterdam. Recorded by the VPRO. For those who are interested. Got some other live recordings to. Just send me an e-mail.
By the way. All three W.A.T. albums are digitalised and available at www.fonos.nl
Frank van den Nieuwenhof
Krijg het tweede file niet gedownload!
ik heb net de megaupload van 2 gedownload en die doet het gewoon. laat maar weten welke live opnamen je hebt.
Ha 433!
Ik krijg alleen maar corrupted files van deze download, alle mp3's zijn onbruikbaar. Via Massmirror kom ik er niet uit...
Op nieuw uploaden?
Bedankt voor alle mooie muziek!
ik heb ze opnieuw online gezet, in een betere mp3 kwaliteit bovendien. hopelijk werkt het nu wel.
Just listening to the first EP which is just wonderful! So original, so fresh, so well played and well produced. This is one gem, thank you very much!!!
such stellar tracks on these records. i got these from you a ways back but been a while since i've given them a spin.
just realised that the last track on the WE record ("vive la vie") is mussed up at the end. skips at the end and cuts off abrubtly. any idea what's up there?
odd end to the record, as i recall it
Ik had al jaren een wat slechte radio-opname, met het openingsnummer maar half erop. Dus heel erg blij met deze volledige opname van veel betere kwaliteit. Ik vond WAT indertijd en nu nog steeds een klein pareltje in de Nederlandse Popmuziek. Helaas geldt dit alleen voor de debuut mini-lp. Het later werk vind ik toch heel wat minder fris en origineel...
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