The post from Saturday received a comment that it has been posted before, and also the one from Friday and wether I was running out of material to post and if I was going to rip his entire blog. I recently left a similar comment somewhere asking wether this guy was intended on ripping my blog, which caused a lot of offensive mail. I am not really interested in that. Let me explain once again, never tired of that (I did in my comment on the sunday post, expected a 'sorry for being rude' comment, but that of course didn't happen, so its good to explain again): Everything you find on this blog is ripped by me, or by someone I know and trust to do a good job. I will never ever repost anything found on any peer 2 peer network or indeed from any other blog. Once I run out of stuff, I won't go into reposting stuff from another blog, but simply stop blogging. To merely assume that this blog is about me, is ignoring what I have been doing and have said about this in the past. Compare today's post against the one that can be found on Atlantis Audio Archive and note the difference. I am not saying one is better than the other, its my own rip. I don't have enough time to go out and look if something is out there somewhere already. Maybe I should change the title of this blog into 'usually forgotten music, that you can find on the internet, or not'. Maybe you think my blog is past its sell by date and its time to move on (or back). Either way here is, as said, something you may very well have found before, but here is my own, fresh rip of this French compilation, that is actually released in two versions: one in a plastic box for pills and a regular cassette box one. I have the first, Dr. Freakowitz the second. This is one I ripped (and not using the one found on Atlantis Audio Archive, of which I am aware of its existence). Great music here with Merzbow, The Legendary Pink Dots, Renaldo & The Loaf, Ptose, Die Form, Stabat Stable, Ericka Irganon, DDAA, Des Traces, Hypnobeat, Wolfgang Wiggers, Klang, Half Japanese, Pseudo Code, La Chorale, Un Department, Berlinerluft, Beats Per Minute, Geso and Etant Donnes.
Thanks for the great work 433! And your integrity is to be admired as well.
Tot ziens van de US.
Nothing wrong with posting your own rip, even if the material is found elsewhere.
Rips from tape or record will always have subtle differences between rips. I say, let the user decide which they like.
Keep up the great work!
I'm very surprised that one thing posted on this blog has been posted elsewhere. This person is obviously paranoid/insane and should be ignored.
hardly a surprise and nothing paranoid:it just happens. not everything is as obscure as it seems
i find the way that 'stealing music' is seen by some bloggers quite absurd. i love your blog, and i have lots of respect for atlantis audio archive and continuo. i understand that people want to be acknowledged for the knowledge they give away - but this is just rivalry in the wrong place.
well, Boff, you are right. i never mind if people repost any from my blog, as long as they don't present it as their great own archival find. i think continuo thinks the same, but he wrongly assumed i got my rips from his blog, and its easier to make an acusation via a comment than to ask via e-mail.
No complaints here. Thanks for the great sounds!
can you please please read our re-up policy?
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