The only relation between the two bundles of three 7"s is that there are from Dutch labels. Amphibious was from Amsterdam and released the work of Harold Schellinx, Tim Benjamin and Roland Heiloo. Before they were known as The Young Lions, releasing a 12" on Plurex, but the band concept seemed them too tight. These three 7"s were all released on the same day. One is a solo record by Harold Schellinx, one solo by Roland Heiloo and one by all three. Rock music going experimental. These boys later recorded an album with Dagmar Krause.
The second bundle has the only three 7"s I have on Dutch Top Hole Records, from the Friesland part of the country. In the early to mid eighties this was the place for good new wave music, well or so the music press said, wanting to invent another musical hype. Qua Dance are not unlike Siouxie, but the other two bands are quite nice. Top Hole still exists, actually.
The complete picture is this:
Tim Benjamin/Ronald Heiloo/Harold Schellinx - A Twilight Smile/Nervous Smiles And Pine-Straw (Amphibious Records A001, 1982)
Ronald Heiloo - In Times Of Panic/Our Choice (Amphibious Records A002, 1982)
Harold Schellinx - Ranks/Kitty Knew (Amphibious Records A005, 1982)
Toilets - An Unspoiled Land/Do The Gamalan (Top Hole Records, TH007, 1981)
The Visitor - The Eye Of Madness/Point Zero Nagasaki (Top Hole Records, TH009, 1981)
Qua Dance - A Heart/Fallbreak (Top Hole Records, TH016, 1982)
Thanks for this. I am a big fan of the Young Lions mini-LP so curious to listen to these.
Thank you!
JI, Finland
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