If I'm not mistaken this is the first US release I put on my blog, but it's a great release. The masters are gone, and therefore was never released on CD. XX Committee (pronounce as Twenty Committee) was Chris Scarpino on synth and guitar and Scott Foust on guitar, bass and rhythms. "The LP suffered a bit from a sort of dead mix when we went from our 4 track to reel-to-reel in the studio (courtesy of an engineer who would later have a couple singer/songwriter releases on a big independent label). That may some day be rectified. Chris and I used to let the rhythm tracks run for hours through an Earth cabinet in my parent' basement (pity them), refining the sound. I think the constant desire for more austerity was a huge buren on both of us. Chris became more and more disillusioned with music as time went on. He is now an engineer at MIT" (quote from Scott Foust - The Fighting Sensualist 1981-2001, cassette). Foust himself went on to play in Tart, Y Front, Braces, Anschluss, The New Peculiars and Idea Fire Company and is the best dressed drinker/smoker I know. And oh Massmirror doesn't work today so only on rapidshare. When Massmirror is back up up I'll put it on there. But perhaps for the next days on only rapidshare.
update: 17/7/2008: I have removed the link for XX Committee's 'Network' release. There is a CD version now available from Impulsy Stetoskopu. Send them an e-mail to get one:
En nog ééntje die ik es wou horen. Bedankt!
die cassette van hun komt ook nog wel eens..
may I suggest mediafire? unfortunately I just grabbed something else off of rapidshare so I'll need to wait a while before I get this...
i'll check mediafire too..
Yes! This is a wonderful LP. Thanks for the reminder actually, I'll have to listen to it again as it's been a while. Nice work!
Wow, I thought I was the only one in the world who had this album. Thanks for saving me the trouble of locating the record!
THANK YOU to whoever posted this. I bought this LP in or around 1985, I think at the New Music Distribution Service in New York. I had no idea who was in the band, how many people, where they were from, etc., but I played it on my college radio station all the time, and it was hugely influential to my then-mushy musical brain. Somewhere along the line, though, I must've sold that LP. Don't remember where or when, but ever since, I've been looking for it again. Every once in a while I've googled it, but have never gotten a good lead . . . until now. I'm so happy! Thanks a million. (P.S.: If you want to check out where that influence eventually led, check out www.myspace.com/matthannafin and www.myspace.com/shunyata.)
CD re-release this album is out (only in 250 copies). it was issued by Polish independent label IMPULSY STETOSKOPY, so by me :) If anybody is interested in i welcome to: impulsystetoskopu@yahoo.com
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