This batch includes the Dutch punk band Larm, the very odd commercial synth of Dutch band Chrisma, the cow-punk of Viva La Muerte (also Dutch) and the double 7" by Corrosive Crowd from Switzerland. Almost like a radio station, but then with nice tunes.
Not for sale
Chrisma was an Italian band. They thought they were a punk band, the singer even cut a piece of one of his fingers to make a statement, but if you listen to this 7" as well as the LP Chinese Restaurant (available on the net through a blog, but I forgot which) it is most of the time very sweet synthi-pop.
I think that Chrisma it's an italian band...
I think that Chrisma it's an italian band :-)
didn't also record with martin hannett in the netherlands? I forgot where i read that.
of course they are from Italy and as far i know, they never worked with M.Hannett.
but at the beg. of their career Hans Zimmer was playing with them!
Krisma is an italian band and worked with Martin Hannett. They worked together for the "Water" track, included in "Clandestine Anticipation" album. Hannett wasn't credited
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