This is their first full length LP and you will find, in some cases, new versions of songs already on the Pasodoble cassette, posted earlier on. I am quite surprised how great this all sounds after so many years. Thanks to Gerco for sharing this with us - and he has some more great stuff to follow soon.
ah, sinterklaas bestaat!
(maar ik ben het niet)
Thanks for so much De Div on your blog!
Beeetje verward in de sinterklazen? ;-)
ik kan ook prima sinterklazen...
Wonderful band that i discovered through your blog. Check out my newly started blog for swedish bands in the same vein as De Div (maybe not exactly the same but...) http://konkretkniv.blogspot.com. Right now its in swedish only, but its just the first staggering babysteps. Internation visitors and comments welcome. Great blog, by the way, im following it with great excitement.
Ja, De Div... Had deze op een C90, maar die was helemaal verrot. Ik zal nog eens 'Open zee' en 'In Front' uit de kast halen en afstoffen.
Bedankt voor alle leuke herinneringen!
I have got the record, but no record player anymore. Nice to hear this again after so long time.
The file Sa-ha-ra seems to be empty. Does anyone have it? Or can the album perhaps be reposted?
despite the fact that klaas didn't read (understand?) that broken links should rather reported through e-mail (i know reading isn't exactly the required thing on the internet, but leaving comments is), i can report i don't have this song anymore, its not on my hard drive and no longer have the album. if you send me the album I'll re-do the whole thing of course.
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