And since you like that much, another compilation, and quite a nice one too. Here the label Dedali Opera asked the industrial noise makers to create a track with a rap, disco feel. Not all succeed, but its nice. With: Le Syndicat, M. Finnkrieg, Contrastate, Radical Change + TTTF, ZBZ, Die Rache, Stephano Biasin, Kopfschmerztablette, Esruk & S. Ugo Rosin, MGZ, The Grey Wolves, Kapotte Muziek, Luca Mitti, Big City Orchestra, Digging For Sky, Tesendalo, Cripure SA and LSD.
Not For Sale
Thanks for posting this, looking forward to hearing the BCO & Tesendalo tracks! Any chance that you have any other Dedali Opera cassettes, particularly "Atomic Zen" 2xK7s?
Thanks for keeping so much wonderful music & sound available!
nope. sorry. i don't have these...
Thanks for looking...you are wonderful nonetheless!
To ask industrial noise makers to create a track with a rap, disco feel is always entertaining (fresh breeze ideas)! Thank you. I'm enjoying this!
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