The final compilation, at least for some time, is this double 90 minute tape. On Dual Track is (was?) the USA version of this, which was much shorter, but this is the complete version. It is said to be released by Torture Clinique but also Aquilifer. Its an Italian release. The cover is very simply and has no mention of a label, unless the person who give me this didn't gave me the booklet that is mentioned on Discogs . Music by Sutcliffe Jugend, Mauthausen Orchestra, the Dadarotator, MB, Krang, Consumer Electronics, Ramleh, Haters, P16.D4, Toy Muzik, DDAA, Die Form, Bruno Cossano, Bourbonese Qualk, Daniele Ciullini and Vitore Baroni.
thanks again for all the great posts and sharing these files with us... i was me who mentioned the booklet in discogs... as far as i'm remembering i traded this tape a couple of years before with rene/watzmann... maybe he still have it in his archives... it was just a xeroxed collage-style booklet like many of that time with contributions by all the artists... btw. thanks for all the audio plagio tracks by k.m. :o)
there was indeed a booklet (6 folded A4 xeroxed pages, making a 20 pages booklet); the contributions being mainly the (then) standard art-work & contact- &/or release info of the various participants ...
plus two aquilifer flyers would be joined as well.
still got it, but hélas no scanner ...
as i was looking for some new tracks for mp3 player i stumbled through my hard disk and came across this which i downloaded a while ago... just wan't to inform that the tape is dying or already is... it seems as the reels didn't transport the tape properly as some of the tracks are really slowed down... you can hear that especially on die form's track... should normally run much faster... maybe put the reels with tape in another cassette-box...
I just noticed this DDAA track I did not have on this DBL K7! WoW! Thanks for making this available!
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