The final copy of a copy is this tape, of which Discogs says: "Bootleg Bought from XxX reckords.
Material seems to be a mix ov NWW Early material and audio recordings that are certainly not Nurse With Wound. Most Likely a home made bootleg by John ZeWizz. Steven Stapleton was more than annoyed about this Tape and Devices 2 when brought up in conversation during 1988." I doubted whether I should post this, but I did. Listen and delete.
I think I have this but with a different cover.
Need to dig through my box of old tapes to see.
I'm pleased to see this, I've long been curious and I've paid a lot of money over a lot of years for NWW official releases so I'm happy to hear this unofficial mix guilt free.
Do you have "Devices 2"?
i don't have devices 2
Makes My Day. THANK YOU.
Could you please stop using question marks in file and folder names? Windows don't like it. Thank you.
well, no, i can't. if there is a questionmark in the title i should use it. also: i don't have a pc, never will, so i don't see why i should adjust to something i don't have
Because I can't frigging unzip it if it's got a question mark in the name. Don't you think you'd want more people to be able to listen to what you put up here? Put them in the MP3 ID; they're fine there.
oh, i didn't know. apple doesn't have these problems. i will think about it.
I wonder if PC users know what there're missing.
I checked this out. Here's a tracklisting. This was indeed a bootleg by John Zewizz's XxX label. Also, by the time this transfer gets to us here, it is ten percent longer than the original music...so either John made a slower transfer originally, or you have, or both. :)
Side A = She Alone Hole And Open - To The Quiet Men From A Tiny Girl, 1980 / The 150 Murderous Passions (excerpt) - 1981
Side B = I Am Blind / Homotopy to Marie - Homotopy to Marie, 1982
Kudos to one of my most favorite music blogs (nice to know you're a Mac user.) I've highly appreciated many of your offerings, and have been enjoying exploring artists I never was very familiar with back in the day: Jeph Jarman, John Hudak and old rare IOS, for starters. Many thanks!
What type of file is this? Unfortunately my computer doesn't seem to recognize it.
its called .zip
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