This is the first of several posts with 7"s on De Fabriek Records & Tapes. All of these 7"s are long, usually 9 minutes per side, so I'm doing two at a time. Mark Lane is a nice guy making nice, a bit strange synth popmusic. The Force Dimension were a duo of Tycho de Groot and Rene van Dijck from the southern part of the Netherlands, who later signed to KK Records. De Fabriek side of this 7" I couldn't seperate into two tracks. This 7" is packed in a big paper with paint smeared over it, and other 'handmade' things that gave 'handmade limited editions' a bad name. The record is not particularly well-pressed either.
hey man . it seems like theres only one 7" in tha zip
well, there are 2 for sure
the force dimension folder includes invalid characters for a windows file name or folder name. therefor it can't be extracted under windows.
well, sorry about that, but i can't help... i have an apple and couldn't tell what's wrong.
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