Monday, July 25, 2011

Dislocation Dance - Perfectly In Control (7", New Hormones ORG7, 1980)


lucaslamka said...

Awesome upload! First heard of this band on "Four Ways Out". I would also like to thank you for all this endearing music. A lot of the music on my youtube channel is music I get off you blog. Check it out sometime, the name of it is Megalamka. Best wishes

lucaslamka said...

Great album. I first heard of this band when I got the "Four Ways Out" comp.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see this. Just to let you know Dislocation Dance are up and running again. New album is coming out nowish and we are playing The Slug and Lettuce, Didsbury, in January.

433 RPM said...

excellent news!

Anonymous said...

New cd out May 7th!