We already posted some tapes by L'Agence Des Refuses, all compilations, and here is another one, donated by Dr. Freakowitz. Although volume one, we don't think there was ever another volume. The idea was to present more serious, almost modern classical music. Included are pieces by Wendy Chambers, Pascal Comelade/David Cunningham, Ros Brandt & I.I.M.E and Otto J. Grunbauer, the man who once ran Red Rat Recordings, the biggest cassette label of the netherlands. Some websites:
Ros Brandt
Otto J. Grünbauer
Ooit gekocht bij de Gaby.
Maar niet meer in mijn bezit.
Hoop op meer van dit label.
Many thanks for these rare tapes from 'L'agence des refusés'...
Incredible stuff too on your blog!
Welcome to my list
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