Double LP with recordings made at the legendary punk venue Emma. Lots of more traditional Dutch punk bands, but also the arrival of hardcore. I didn't scan the more than elaborate booklet though.
with: No Allegiance, Pandemonium, Tu-Do Hospital, BGK, Morzelpronk, Nog Watt, Impact, Deadlock, The Ex, Membranes, Kaki's, Zowiso, Vacuum, Sjako!, Zak In As, Sonic Youth, IF, Electric Hannes, The Gentry, Svatsox & Dorpoudste De Jong, Krapuul, Grin, no Pigz, Negazione, Indigesti, Hostages Of Ayatollah, Capital Scum, Combat Not Conform, Murder Inc. III, UBCF.
Not for sale
Great post! But content and filename doesn't match…for example Media Control of Tu-Do Hospital is Sonic Youth Brother James etc.
well, on the copy i got things were hand marked on the labels, meaning 1 and 3 were one record, and 2 and 4. so i tagged it accordingely. if it should be something els,e then please specify.
My name is dolf (Emma's koeienverhuurbedrijf)and I recorded some songs and made the order.
Thanks for loading it up.
I can give you the right order if you want.
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