A personal favorite, which comes here unindexed, and also without scans of the tape. Since transferring it earlier this year, I must have misplaced it...
A1 Discotillons (4:35)
A2 Boulevard Circulaire (4:20)
A3 Le Manoir Du Chat Noir (3:00)
A4 15 Août A Puteaux (2:55)
A5 Train De Minuit (6:30)
B1 Boulevard Circulaire Bis (3:45)
B2 Sous Le Chêne (3:45)
B3 Dernière Minute (3:20)
B4 Gougou (3:20)
B5 Bibi (3:30)
B6 Le Manège (2:55)
Wow. This is a nice one!
Thanks, many thanks. Do you by any chance have the Satellite 12"? Have just got one track off it ('Tonton Fait Du S'), and it's.. amazing..
nope. sorry, never heard of it even
I have some of the Satellite 12"
I have some of the Satellite 12"
Oh, mutant sounds have the ep-
-more amazingness!
super psyched to find this.
not surprised at all that i'd find here.
which is radical.
thanks you thank you thank you
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