As promised here is the second compilation by Stichting Muziek Nieuws. Motop means motor in Russian, and the plan from the label was to make various albums with thematic approaches. Motop was the industrial music one, but none of the other plans ever materialized. Frans de Waard of Kapotte Muziek compiled this album from his many friends in the world of cassette, including Gazza November, who turned out to be Freek Kinkelaar, his future Beequeen partner. Also included are Merzbow, Vidna Obmana, Con-Dom, Dva Met Dva Nichts and others. Motop 1 is not that noisy and loud, but it's the most coherent compilation LP that this label put out.
incorrect name -> МОТОР 1 - Мотор 1 - мотор 1 /// NOT -> МОТОR 1 - Motor 1 - motor 1 ||| all Stichting Muziek Nieuws (IF Records) compilation releases are in this - Встреча 1 or Свет 1
...I was talking about tags
...and т letter
I am not sure if i know what you talk about, or that someone really cares about this, but perhaps i should say thanks.
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