Things can hardly be more obscure, I guess, than this one. The 'band' is called 'Een Uur Voor f 5,50', meaning 'one for for 5,50 guilders' and the title 'Met De Bus Naar De Sneeuw', is 'with the bus to the snow'. It is recorded by a guy from Groningen, Loepie and released by Wegwerp Tapes, the label of The Lost Attic. And that's all I know. Just like the 'Interprovinsjale Sweinen' tape of some time ago, great fucked up rhythmbox and synths music.
buy it here
Just discovered you and I wanna say "Thanks" for what you do. I hope you'll be around for quite a while.
Too many bloggers give up the hard work on sites like this because they feel this strange need to have to post nearly every day. I'm thinking of getting into this come October and even tho I know it can be some effort, I know that it doesn't *have* to be if stuff is posted a little less often - or just whenever I feel like it - once or twice a week or even less if it suits. Too many sites are closing up because of unreal demands put on themselves.
I hope you stick around.
I second that!
Besides, thanks for this Loepie tape! I remember him telling me he played a large church organ once and totally enjoyed it, didn't know he made recordings of this.
Thanks again!
Meer over loepie.
yes, i do remember this story from back then. its the same guy. the tape spells it as loepie though. i do remember a squatter dying under curious matters in those days. i may not have known I had his music. strange. oh, i have no 80s past, for those following that particular discussion in dutch media.
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