A promised a few days ago, here are both records by Vice, from Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Probably the least known of the four bands from that city (Bazooka, Das Wesen, Mekanik Kommando and Vice), they only made these two albums, after which I believe members went on to form Güler and later techno act Ulan Bator. These days Ties van der Linden is still active, producing music for commercials and much more, check out www.fonofactory.com. Oddly enough nothing about Vice on this site, except that it's mentioned in the discography. Strange, since it's quite strong, especially the first 12" on Torso. The LP is a bit dull at times, with songs too much in mi-tempo. But Vice played a great set of minimal popmusic, with synths, sequencers, bass an guitars.
Vice was released by Torso (torso 129) in 1982
A Plain Reprise was released by Akzidanz (akzi 4) in 1984
Dude, thanks for this great old/new stuff. I'm looking forward to more of the old Dutch wave cassettes, especially Ultra acts. Currently dl-ing Test Dept. Should be good.
Cheers, Frank
This makes my day :)
I'll have the Ultra compilation cassette onm Lebel Period, which I will do soon, I think
hoi 433,
heb een link naar je blog gemaakt,bedankt voor de link naar mij.
en woawa goeie blog, en laat die dutch wave maar komen.
nou er komt meer dan alleen dutch wave, hoewel ik daar wel een paar leuke dingen van heb. maar ik doe vooral muziek die ik zelf leuk vind. meer niet!
Wow, die 12" staat toch al weer 20 jaar ongedraaid in de kast, terwijl ik die toch eigenlijk erg fraai vond. Zag ze ook 'n paar keer live en dat was ook altijd de moeite waard. Dank voor de herontdekking!
Thanks for this.
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