I already posted some music by Hands To before, and here is a split LP that he did with Eric Lunde. Lunde was once a member of Boy Dirt Car and then went solo, concentrating on voice and electronics. I must admit I never really understood what it was all about. More about that when I post more. This LP shows his extended interest in sampling, breaking away from his earlier tape experiments. When Complacency released this album, they also released a LP by Illusion Of Safety and Holeist, a group with Eric, along with Jeph Jerman (Hands To) and Dan Burke (Illusion Of Safety). I have none of his tapes, but will post all the vinyl he released.
You don't happen to also have the BDC / F/i slpit LP on RRRecords, do you?
that's one i don't have...
Cool. Haven't listened to this in ages.
the boy dirt car/f/i split is over at the thing on the doorstep
Ah, thanks very much!
link for the first part is gone
can you put it on again?
The link for Sexorama #1 is dead. Can you present it here? Thanks
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