Friday, September 28, 2007

Tent - Uncertain And Wild (LP, Emi, 1984)

My remark about Tent's second album led to the fan of this blog of sending me this album. I must admit it's as nice as the first one, and still I know nothing about them since my previous post about them. Serious modern pop music.



  1. re: "led to the fan of this blog"

    there's more than one fan of your blog .. ;)

  2. im quite excited-- i listen to 'distances' off of the first album daily after discovering it.

  3. well, that's great to hear - on both accounts!


  4. so a low bitrate for such gems's really a pity, great blog anyway ! Cheers

  5. that's no pity. remember: a mp3 is not in any way to be compared to real audio on a LP or CD. it's a black/white xerox of a full color image. You can see what the image is about, but not the real image. right? my blog wants to let you hear all this music in some way, and i try not to compete with the real thing. it would be great if they were all on CD - i'd stop my blog right away.


  6. I did work a couple of times for Tent as their lightmixer for a sound rental company. Coincindentally I just talked about them tonight at a concert of Kraak & Smaak in Patronaat Haarlem, homebase of Tent as well. Don't remember too much about them except that keyboardplayer Tjebbo van Dijk was the man with all the musical ideas behind this band.
    At the time everyone thought the music was beautiful but was also experienced as a bit sterile.
    Cloud Nine, a similar band, founded by the brothers van Buuren, was more to my likings.

  7. nice. do you have any music by cloud nine?


  8. Ill try and find some of Cloud Nine

  9. I liked "you will fall" best. I have both records in original vinyl. Note that the TENT vinyl where the first recrods I digitized when I startet to archive my old (300+) collection.


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