As promised another compilation by Touch, here more or less based on the notion of world music, in an extensive meaning. "Wrapped in a plastic bag with printed matters inside featuring contributions by Peter J. Bach, Neville Brody, Mooie Charrington, Panny Charrington, Kasper de Graaf, John England, John Forsyth, Yvonne Forward, Malcolm Garrett, Carrie Greenaway, Mike Harding, Rob Keyloch, Ben Mandelson, Norrie MacLaren, Andrew McKenzie, Chris Moretone, Garry Mouat, Jill Mumford, Ben Murphy, Fachtna O'Kelly, Tony Reason, D. Styme, Sheila Rock, Kevin Ward, Damian Wayling & Jon Wozencroft." Didn't scan that, just ripped the scans from discogs, but the music is a fresh rip by me
A01 Eithne Ni Bhraonain An Ghaoth O'n Ghrian (The Solat Wind) (2:04)
A02 General Strike My Other Body (3:40)
A03 Brian Gulland & Frank Ricotti Journey (3:40)
A04 Swastikas Bells Untitled (0:28)
A05 1000 Mexicans Trans-Astrakhan (Seeing The World) (6:30)
A06 Old Silk Route Pig Slaughter (2:04)
A07 3 Mustaphas 3 Bam / Tsifteteli (3:49)
A08 Quimantu Interview (2:05)
A09 Unknown Artist Yanomamô Shamanism (2:38)
Recorded By - David Toop
A10 Old Silk Route Mule Bells (0:45)
A11 Eithne Ni Bhraonain Miss Clare Remembers (2:02)
B01 33 Notes From The Underground (2:36)
B02 Andrew Poppy But Does Winston Own A Straw Hat (Part 2) (3:37)
B03 General Strike Snowdrops (3:40)
B04 Quimantu Despedida De Salta (3:59)
B05 Jon Keliehor & Percussion Research Ensemble, The Trance Formations (4:24)
B06 Piedro Insipiedo Creatures Loves Sun (2:29)
B07 Cremation Gamelan Fires In Peliatan (2:12)
B08 Jah Wobble's Invaders Of The Heart Tribal (6:06)
Link removed upon request from the label. sorry